Monday, 14 July 2014

Love Part 1

Love: a strong perfume that diffuses through the blood reins of the heart to the hands that show it. We all have love in our heart. Romans 5:5 but to release it to our world is our responsibility. The RESPONSE of fellows to the love we show, determines whether or not they are going to be our friends and at which cadre of friendship they belong to: acquaintances, friends, close friends, intimate friends, spouse etc. But whether they respond to it or not, they do not become our enemies but need more of it. The love am talking about is the AGAPE LOVE. 1 Corinthians 13: Looking at this chapter of the Bible, we see how God looks at true NOT A FEELING, but a decision, a choice. Not something one 'falls into' but something of a choice--- a decision to be taken. Not driven by what u see or feel;'for to ruled by the senses(flesh)-carnally minded-is DEATH. Chidozie Elisha Okonkwo May 27, 2011 at 4:10pm

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