Friday, 11 July 2014

Live Well, Live Long

Overcoming the silent killers

There is a menace that is ravaging our world today. This menace knows no age limits. It has no sex boundaries. It kills suddenly, silently and without warning! Little wonder it has been described as the silent killer!

What is this Silent Killer?
In medical parlance this group of destroyers is called cardiovascular disorders. What is commonly referred to as heart attack and stroke. This is  major cause of early deaths and reduced life expectancy in our country today. Yet it is clear from scriptures that untimely death is not God's plan for His children. God's plan for us is to walk in sound health all the days of our lives.
"With long life will I satisfy him, and I show him my salvation" Psalm 91:16. However, this plan of Good can only happen when we take responsibility for our health.

Silent Killers Exposed
Heart Attack and Strokes occur when the lining of blood vessels supplying the heart and brain become damaged and inflamed and as a result fatty deposits begin to pile up within the inner lining of the blood vessels. If this process continues unabated, it increases the pressure of blood flowing through the entire blood vessel to be clogged so that blood supply to the organ is cut off. If this occurs to the blood vessel supplying the heart it causes a "Heart Attack"; if it occurs to the blood vessel supplying the brain it causes a "Stroke".

Consider these stroking Statistical figures from the World Health Organization (WHO):
1. A stroke occurs every 40seconds
2. An estimated 17 million people die of heart attack and stroke every year, out of the 58-60 million people who die annually in the world. Unfortunately every year this figure is on the increase.
3. 64% of women and 50% of men who die from these silent killers do not  have any previous warning.

Identified Risk factors for heart attacks and strokes
Stress: Ranging from physical, emotional and all forms of stress.
Obesity: particularly truncal obesity which is the constant accumulation of excessive fats around the waist line. Waist circumference above 35inches in women and 40 inches in men predisposes one to these silent killers.
Intake of foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats.
Lack of exercise: living a sedentary lifestyle
Existing hypertension; Blood pressure above 140/195mmHg
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol intake

  • Watch whatever passes through your mouth.
Don't eat or drink everything you see! What you eat or drink determines how long you live. You are what you eat. Many of the foods around today are poisons in disguise as they are filled with additives, sweeteners, saturated fats, chemicals that the body can't get rid of, hence they pile up in the system as toxins.
Foods rich in plant proteins such as beans, fish high in omega 3 oils, fresh and green fruits and vegetables should be part of our daily intake for healthy living. red meats (beef and pork) should be avoided as they contain much saturated fats. White meat (chicken and turkey when de-skinned) are better alternatives. Also, all heavy meals should be taken between 10am and 8pm to allow for efficient food metabolism.

Reduce your salt intake
Too much salt increases the osmotic pressure of the blood thereby putting extra work on the kidneys and the heart. This increases the risk of hypertension.

Reduce your sugar intake
Excessive sugar intake predisposes us to diabetes and depletion of vitamins and antioxidants in the body.

Make water your drink of choice
Water is the best drink for the human body. This is because most of our body is made up of water and so the entire body depends on water to survive. It is a much healthier alternative to soft drinks which dehydrate the body. 

  • Make out time to Exercise
God created the human body for exercise that is why we have many joints. Lack of exercise is a major risk factor for silent killers. People who exercise their bodies live longer than those who live sedentary lives.
Benefits of Exercise:
a. It causes the heart to beat faster thereby making it stronger and so it can last longer.
b. Keeps the blood vessels flexible and so prevents it from being clogged up by cholesterol.
c. Prevents the risk of diabetes mellitus, as the muscles burn up the sugar in the body.
d. Ensures the flow of blood to vital organs such as liver, kidney, brain.

Dr (Mrs) Titi Duro Aino
The Conquerors Assembly

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