Thursday, 6 February 2014


I recall a day I wanted to withdraw cash from an Automated Teller Machine (A. T. M.). At the spot, I saw a queue on a single ATM, while the other one was vacated. I asked why no one was using the other ATM, and I was told it didn't have cash. 'Wisely’, I quickly queued behind the stretch to do as others. Not long after, a guy behind me with a dissatisfied face got fed up of this 'hold-up' and decided to try the deserted ATM. Before our very eyes, Cash popped out for him.
Wisdom jumped on me instantly, showing me why many are on the 'Hold-Up' of life due to conformity! Results should have come many people's way, if not for traditions and opinions they're sticking to.
I erred believing there was no cash there. I would have gotten my desire faster. So sad!
Are you in the same shoe? Please, step out of the crowd. You're probably frustrated now because your friends and traditions have shaped you to conformity (telling you only one option is working!). They've killed your precious imaginations with a narrow idea to life.
Do you only get bold when you're like others?
So faulty a style that is! Dare to try a different strategy today!
That could just be the 'Cash-Bringer' for you!
Explore your God-given Totality, dear!
There might just be your heart desire in it!
Wisdom is profitable to direct
                                                                                                                            Hosannah O A

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